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Keeping up with Kennedy.

  <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a> via <a href="">@whitehouse</a></p>&mdash; Brandy Renfrow (@BrandyMRenfrow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Increasing Malnutrtion in Girls & Women

Your Choices Make a Difference

Plant Update!

Here is my Herb Garden. I went to TMHA in Santa Maria. They had a wide assortment of herbs, plants and trees available. If anyone is interested the tomato plants they are on sale for buy 2 get one free. All proceeds go towards mental health. I volunteered and worked for them. They are a great bunch of people!
This has brought me much pleasure. Great aromatherapy and health benefits too. Our climate is always in need of more plant life. ðŸŠī 🙏 😇
I'm happy to say that our trees are doing well. They are growing very nicely and staying healthy.
We did grow some oyster mushrooms from a box. Very interesting project that was. We bought them at Rite Aid and all you had to do was soak them in water and let them grow in filtered light. The came out really pretty, kinda like a flower. 
The company Back to the Roots donates one for each purchase towards schools too. ðŸŦ 🍄 😊 


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