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Keeping up with Kennedy.

  <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a> via <a href="">@whitehouse</a></p>&mdash; Brandy Renfrow (@BrandyMRenfrow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Increasing Malnutrtion in Girls & Women

Your Choices Make a Difference

First growth.

Just wanted to share with you all the first growth we have now on our tomatoes, bell pepper and flowers. We are so excited. We bought all of them at TMHA Growing Grounds in Santa Maria. We transplanted them into bigger pots for now. 
We had to make sure that we got the right plants for our climate. We are in New Cuyama and our zones are 8-10. We get extreme heat and very cold 🥶.  It even snows here. Lately it's been 90+ degrees but ever since we had the lighting and thunder storm last week it has been in the 80's. It did rain a little after the storm but not much. 
Are you planting a garden this season? I would love to see more on social media everyone's garden showing their support of our planet. I don't normally get into planting a garden but this year I am being that I have taken on the responsibility of being an Ambassador for Climate change. It is proving to me how much joy it brings and its no wander why everyone just loves it too. Giving back to mother nature and filling our hearts and bodies with the goodness that this world brings. 


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