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Paris Agreement

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Keeping up with Kennedy.

  <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a> via <a href="">@whitehouse</a></p>&mdash; Brandy Renfrow (@BrandyMRenfrow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Increasing Malnutrtion in Girls & Women

Your Choices Make a Difference

We the People are Heros.

I've been thinking while doing all this research that we should feel pretty lucky. After all the damage we have caused and continue to do so, there were those whi payed attention and had the forethought to mention when it was vital that we needed to change our ways. I was fortunate this one day while searching the web I stumbled upon ISO. There it was a while plan mapped out for us to look at and take in consideration when making our decisions on sustainability and the issues with climate change. It is especially fortunate for technology as it has clearly defined standards. There is still much needed work and discussions to be held on many situations and topics but the people who thought it through really had a little more than clairvoyance. I was extremely impressed with the depth of thought that was put into it and how to foretold what we are facing today. We are blessed that the good Lord has brought to us people in this world that can do such things to help guide us through such a crisis as this. They had the know how years before now to bring us just what we need today. If you think about it, even though there is so much work to be done, inch by inch anything is a cinch. I believe we will be successful by 2030. Maybe not all the way where we should be but darn near close to it. By 2045we should be in good shape if everyone continues to pull together and not be frightened off because of fear. That be of failing or loosing out on something or not getting enough of something else. They say that God will provide as we go on this path of doing the good thing and what is right for the overall whole. Not playing into our  selfish nature. It going to take every facet of who we are, what we know and our God given talents and gifts to pull this off. We are made in the light of God and we are meant to do great things in this lifetime. Our time is not up yet it is only a test of our faith in who we can be. Putting nature before factory. Getting back to basics and giving back to this planet so it can still feed us for years to come. Looking back on this time in the future we will all gain a sense of pride and honor. We will have stories of how we made something from nothing, converted, explored and changed even in the midst of doubt and unknown. We will have risen above our flesh and reached down deep in our hearts to conciencelly make decisions that would benefit everyone's child. Cheer on our neighbor and team up with thy nemesis. Not try to always be better than but to come together and show each other how. Share, teach and show one another what it is to be kind and caring about something bigger than ourselves and each other. Bigger than life and that our planet the one thing that supplies us with everything we need to sustain life is much more important than today's last meal, raise, promotion, bottom line, etc. Without
A healthy planet we don't have any of that other. If we want to remain healthy we have to treat our planet better than Mary did Jesus to save him. I believe in us. All of the information I'm finding screams that help is here and is in the works of having a successful project such as this one we have embarked on. So keep those minds ticking, innovate and brilliant ideas coming. You just might make history. 


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