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Keeping up with Kennedy.

  <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="zxx" dir="ltr"><a href=""></a> via <a href="">@whitehouse</a></p>&mdash; Brandy Renfrow (@BrandyMRenfrow) <a href="">June 7, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Increasing Malnutrtion in Girls & Women

Your Choices Make a Difference

Climate Change & The Need to Act Now

This is provided by The Marine Stewardship Council. ( 

It's very interesting to hear all about the ocean and how fishing has had such an impact on our environment. These people from around the world talk about the impact and how we need to make changes now. This website has a tremendous amount of information, guides and certifications that are available also pdf's on the fisheries standards. Its also has a children's area for teachers and parents that has games, lesson plans and fun activities. My hope is that people start to be more aware of their actions and the way we treat our waters. They are not just a means of food source but directly impact our climate and livelihood. 


Safe Guarding & Schools Policy

Sustainable Compost

Teaching in Indeginous Languages and Inter-Agency Working

Education, Social Justice and